
WIDAT Weekly Commentary is your briefing book for exploring emerging wireless data trends.
WIDAT Group has been monitoring trends in emerging wireless data since the inception of the firm in 2003.

Our Weekly Commentary includes:
  • WIDAT BASKET UPDATE - The weeks performance of our proprietary indexes - The WIDAT Equipment IndexTM and the WIDAT Services IndexTM
  • HOT NEWS - The key event of the week
  • Content Corner - Availability of compelling content is what drives users to upgrade their data plans and start the broadband tidal wave. We report on the top news stories in content and distribution so you can identify the trends in new content.
  • 3G Infrastructure & Equipment - New devices are being launched at an accelerating rate. Countries are building out Infrastructure to bring high speed data to the masses. We report on the top news stories relating to Infrastructure and Equipment.
  • WiFi and Convergence - Wireless Fidelity (Wifi) was the opening shot of the broadband wireless revolution. When we started WIDAT wifi hot spots were a novelty and now they are truly ubiquitous. New technologies in the market place extend wireless broadband beyond the office and into the metro loop. We examine the news story related to the convergence - fill in some more.
  • BWA/WiMAX - When we started WIDAT Group the investment Wimax was on the drawing boards of a few engineers in remote locations. Today it is being deployed around the world extend wireless broadband into areas that were previously out of reach. Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) was once a theory. Now it is nearing reality. We point out the ket new drivers related to BWA.
  • WIDAT Weekly Metrics - How wireless subscribers are in the U.S.? How many subs were added in India last month? We examine the key statistical numbers from the week that support the thesis
  • CATEGORIZED ARTICLE SUMMARIES - We subscribe to all the major wireless web and print periodicals so you don't have to. We comb through the internet and report on the top news stories. Brief recaps are provided with hot links to the content if you'd like to dig deeper

We feel we have a compelling product and are making it available to the masses for one low subscription price.

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