Welcome to WIDAT.COM

WIDAT Group, LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor founded in 2003 to monitor, evaluate and offer our opinions on broadband wireless trends.

Our original Thesis in 2003 postulated that convergence of 3G WiFi and WiMAX would occur as cellular operators look for ways for their subscribers to enjoy data use. We will employ a macro approach utilizing fundamental analysis to identify various activities in the different segments of the wireless communications industry. We focus on Technologies such as 3G, WiFi and WiMAX.

We publish several tools to assist investors analyze and compile data on the wireless trends we identify. We publish a weekly commentary newsletter, company research, industry reports and various technical indicators.

We use fundamental research to evaluate all the stocks in the wireless ecosystem that pertain to our thesis. We also compliment our fundamental process with technical analysis to help us to identify optimal stock entry and exit points.

We also manage assets and invest in companies that are in our universe.

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